8 Golden Rules To Look After Your Chocolate Queen Embroidery

8 Golden Rules To Look After Your Chocolate Queen Embroidery

Hello Awesome Chocolate Queens & Kings,


My Chocolate Queen range by Megan Fairley contains a hot pink embroidery, not too big that it is overpowering but big enough to remind everyone of who you are.  We are all Chocolate Queens, Chocolate Queens lift others up, because when we all rise we all succeed.  This is my value and my value is to hustle with a heart because I personally have faced a lot of nasty stuff on this journey whilst building a business from depression and bullying, it doesn’t just happen to an influencer with 300K followers it happens to everyone.  I am so grateful for the awesome support I have had so far on this journey because without that support we honestly would not be here today.  So back to embroidery I know how to run an embroidery machine. In fact I worked for two companies after Cadburys and learnt how to operate a Tajima industrial embroidery machine and we probably would be still running one if we were not made redundant.  So here we go this is how you look after your hot pink Chocolate Queen embroidery and any other embroidery by that matter. 


Washing your Embroidery 


Almost every other clothing nowadays comes with labels describing how it should be washed to preserve its integrity. You should follow these instructions to the latter, especially when dealing with embroidery. For instance, some embroideries will fray or fade if subjected to certain washing conditions such as machine wash or hand wash. 

At the same time, it’s good to check that the embroidery is not prone to fading if exposed to detergents and take precautionary measures. You can use a piece of wet cotton or tissue on the embroidery and observe if there is any transfer of color from the embroidery. If this is so, then you should take the normal precautions to prevent fading such as:

  • Wash the clothing inside out in order to reduce friction on the embroidery when washing it.
  • Wash the embroidered clothing separately from others.
  • Do not leave the clothing in the sun for too long if you are sun drying it. You can transfer it to a cooler place to drain out the remaining wetness after a short period.
  • Only use cold water to wash the embroidered clothing- cold water keeps the delicate fibers closed to trap the colors inside. 
  • Use a gentle setting on your machine- it will be easier on your embroidered pieces and definitely make it last longer. 
  • Avoid packing too many clothes in your machine especially if you have delicately embroidered pieces in there.
  • If the embroidery is fading too much then using some vinegar might help reduce the fading during a wash. 
  • Reduce the number of times you have to wash the clothing if the embroidery is falling apart or fading. 


You can pretreat the stains on your embroidery with a stain remover before you wash the clothing. This will help prevent grease and stain accumulation on the embroidery.  Ensure that you are using the recommended stain remover. Avoid using bleach and hard chemicals on your embroidery to remove stains.


The type of detergents you use can also affect the integrity of your embroidery. Look for recommendations from a professional dry cleaner for the right detergents you should use depending on the material used on your fabric. Some detergents are gentle on some fabrics while others will hasten their disintegration with every wash. 


While ironing or pressing any embroidered pieces, it’s advisable to iron it on the wrong side. Avoid ironing directly on the embroidery itself as it weakens the stitching and may cause fraying after a short while.  At the same time, ironing or pressing directly on the embroidery will probably distort its shape. You can use some soft materials below the clothing on the ironing table to protect the embroidery even further while pressing or ironing. 


I have done a number of test washes on the Chocolate Queen sweats and they wash up good, remember don’t touch or interfere with the backing inside the garment this is here for a reason to keep your embroidery firm.  Just follow the 8 golden embroidery rules and she will last a super long time.  And we want you to be super proud of your Chocolate Queen garment for a super long time! 


Check out the latest video on social media showing off our hot pink puffs and how they are made!  All embroidery is done in Christchurch, New Zealand by @hurrell_uniforms_merchandise   I do highly recommend these guys because they have super fast service and treat all of there customers as equal. 


Our full Chocolate Queen range is available at www.notionfashion.co.nz.  & www.meganfairley.co.nz  


Thanks for your awesome support M xx 

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