$30,782 Fundraised For Mental Health In NZ By Megan Fairley & Ex-Cadburys Team

$30,782 Fundraised For Mental Health In NZ By Megan Fairley & Ex-Cadburys Team
Fundraising money for Mental Health is Megan Fairley’s side passion and it is driven by Megan's mental health struggles from her Cadbury’s redundancy and from starting a business.  She faced a lot of nasty human behaviour that left her very damaged. To move past this hurt In November 2020 Megan Fairley pulled a group of ex Cadbury’s staff together to form a volunteer fundraising team to raise money for mental health in New Zealand. We had no set goals, just a goal to raise money but to also raise awareness that people that have experienced a significant trauma like our Cadbury’s redundancy need support and they also need people to be kind.  Every Saturday our team donates around four hours of their time to fundraise for different Mental Health charities in New Zealand.

So Proud

I am so incredibly proud of our team for sticking it out through the tough times and not giving up. We are fighters and our story is an absolute inspiration to New Zealanders and people all over the world. On Christmas Eve we hit $30,782. It is an incredible achievement because we have done it with guts and determination and very little media or local business support.  And when you haven’t got the support behind you it leaves you feeling like a worthless piece of shit, it makes you feel like you have done something wrong.  It’s not ok to leave people who are doing incredible stuff left to feel this way.

We Would Love Your Support!!

We would love for more New Zealand businesses to jump on board to help sponsor our fundraising days, so basically whatever we raise the business sponsoring our days would match our amount raised. The more people who support our journey the more of a community we start to create. This community will then start to show which businesses really truly have a heart. If you love what we are doing you can also support by purchasing one of our Gumboots + Chocolate bundles with 100% profits going to support our charity @gumbootfriday Hit the link ➡️ to go straight to our Gumboot + Chocolate page.  When people support people something incredible happens, it sparks a light in people and makes them feel alive, it makes them feel like they matter. 
If you wish to support any way or inspire other New Zealanders by sharing our story you can email myself Megan at hello@meganfairley.co.nz or follow and like the Project Team on facebook @projecthope.beyond 
So grateful to all the amazing people who support my journey, by supporting me you are also supporting our awesome team Project hope & beyond.  Thank you!!! 
NEW TOTAL: $30,782 raised for Mental Health by Project hope & beyond. 
Ex - Cadburys + Community.  Distributions donations below:
I AM HOPE - $16,305
Ronald McDonald House NZ $2,482

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