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2 hours ago
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7 Benefits of Using a Body Scrub
Because body scrubs are physical exfoliators, they will certainly let you derive the same benefit...

The Best Nourishing Beauty Body Scrub Made From Chocolate
Hello Chocolate Queens & Kings,
“ Where do we put those people from Cadburys with no skills a...

The Best Whittakers New Double Crunch Recipe
Hello Chocolate Queens & Kings,
How exciting NEW gift Boxes by Megan Fairley are coming rea...

Valentine's Day WOW Factor Gifts From Megan Fairley & Notion Fashion
"Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and I have a whole lot of fabulous ideas to celebrate with your special day." - Megan Fairley

3 Incredible Dose & Co. Recipes You Need In Your Life Right Now!
"Dose & Co did not just help my hair but it helped to repair some of the self-harm I was doing to my body. Dose & Co has amazing healing properties, it repairs parts of my skin so well and has slowed the loss of hair remarkably." - Megan Fairley

5 amazing affirmations inspiring balance from Megan that will lift you up.
" I really don’t care whether or not someone has been in the fashion industry 5 minutes or 25 years it gives you no f**kin right to bully people. Full stop. "

4 incredible recipes with Dose & Co. & Chocolate that you need in your life!!
Hello Chocolate Queens & Kings,
I am so excited the finally combine the amazing Dose & Co...

The best chocolate story you will ever hear.
"The culture we had at Cadburys site was extraordinary and should be something that every person who has ever worked there should be proud of."